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How To Avoid Bans While Cheating [EVERY GAME]


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Table of Contents:
1) How cheaters get banned
2) How to actually utilize ESP
3) How to configure your cheat with legit settings

Before We Begin:
First & foremost, I would like to share I cheated and getting away with it. Before creating Kocheats among other brands, I was a cheat consumer just like yourself, coming home from school every day just to hop on and tear through the Fortnite lobbies. However, I quickly learned that rage cheating will get you banned quickly, and that is the opposite of what we hope to achieve here at Ko cheats. Throughout this guide I will share my experience and show you how to get away cheating just like I did. Enjoy.

Chapter 1)
The typical lifecycle of a "first-timer" or novice cheater is right after they purchase their cheat, they begin absolutely obliterating all of their lobbies, and then after a couple games they get hit with a permanent suspension. These novice cheaters then begin wondering "Why was I banned? It says the hack is undetected." Oftentimes they will then complain to their cheat provider, then the provider will ask them "Were you playing legit?" and they answer, "What is playing legit?" This is what we want to prevent at Kocheats. Even if a hack is undetected, you are not totally invincible to bans. Anti cheats have complex systems in place to detect suspicious gameplay, and automatically ban players they beleive to be cheating just based off of their gameplay. As we delve further into this guide, I will talk about how you can prevent that from happening to you. 

Chapter 2)
Oftentimes, the most misused feature in any cheat is the ESP / Visuals tab. Cheaters think that because a team is now visible to them, it means they should push straight in their direction and wall bang them to death. ESP is meant to give you subtle hints & clues as to what decisions you should make ingame. For example, if you see that there are less players on the east side of the zone vs the west, you should rotate into the east. Using ESP to enhance your situational awareness will not only drastically improve your gameplay, but it will also significantly decrease your chances of being banned.

Another common mistake I see people make with ESP is aiming / pointing at enemies when they should have no clue where they are. This results in getting banned after a manual review / significant amount of player reports.

Chapter 3)
Contrary to popular belief, there is no "best settings" for any cheat. In this chapter, I will walk you through how you can find your own legit config for anyone of our products.
The main setting you'll want to focus on is Aimbot. Go into practice mode / deathmatch / any game mode and test out different FOV sizes & smoothing configurations. Remember, you want to keep a low FOV and a high smoothing. Using this method, test out different configs until you find what works best for you but does not appear too obvious to spectators.

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