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- Supported CPU: Intel + AMD
- Supported Windows Version: 10 & 11
High precision aiming with advanced targeting features.
- Prediction
- VisibleCheck
- Draw FOV
- Customizable FOV
- Customizable Smoothing
- Customizable Bone
- Customizable AimKey
- Customizable FOV Color
- Ignore Knocked/Dying/Bots
Enhanced enemy awareness with customizable visuals.
- Box (Outlined / Cornered/ Shadow)
- Skeleton
- Distance
- Weapon
- Snaplines
- Team Check
- Name
- Rank
- Kills
- Platform
- Alerts
- Off Screen Arrows
- Custom Colors
- Customizable Radar
Advanced exploit features for enhanced gameplay manipulation.
- Silent Aim
- Silent Aura (Shoot through walls)
- No Spread
Additional features to optimize gameplay.
- Performance Mode
- Watermark Toggle
- StreamProof
- Save / Load Config