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High precision aiming with advanced targeting features.
- Silent Aim (Head, Chest, Stomach, Pelvis)
- Aimbot Smoothing
- Auto Shoot
- Wait For Powershot
- Target Team
- Visible Check
- Hitchance %
- Draw FOV
- Target Line
- Fire Speed
- Fast Bullet
Enhance your weapon performance with precision mods.
- Always Automatic
- Instant Eoka
- Instant Bow
- Shotgun Nospread
- Thick Bullet (0m - 1m)
- Bow Thick Bullet Override
- Recoil X
- Recoil Y
- Spread
- Fire Speed
Utility features to gain an edge in every situation.
- No Fall Damage
- Infinite Jump
- Spiderman
- Flyhack (Toggle, Hold)
- Desync/Fakelag (Toggle, Always, Amount)
- Suicide
- Small Capsule
- Interactive Debug Camera (Camera Speed, Camera Speed Fast)
- Omni Sprint
- Shoot While Jumping
- Admin Flags
- Zoom
- FOV Changer
- Time Changer
- Bright Night
- Long Neck
- Remove Layer
- Custom Stars (Brightness, Size)
- Custom Clouds
- Custom Sky
- Battle Mode
- Hitbox Override (Off, Head, Chest, Foot)
- Fast Loot
- Instant Revive
- Equip While Mounted
- Hitsound
- Ignore Tree Collision
- Ignore Player Collision
Comprehensive visual enhancements for situational awareness.
- Player ESP
- Show Team
- Show Wounded
- Show Sleeper
- Show Dead
- Name ESP
- Box (Full, Corner)
- Healthbar (Side, Bottom, Top)
- Distance (Side, Top, Bottom, Name)
- Skeleton
- Bounding Box
- Chams (18 options)
- Hotbar
- Icon Hotbar (Show Name, Show Amount, Hotbar Size)
- Hand Chams (18 options)
- Weapon Chams (18 options)
Real-time mapping and environmental tracking.
- Ore Name
- Ore Distance
- Collectable Name
- Collectable Distance
- Hemp
- Hemp Distance
- Vehicle Name
- Vehicle Distance
- Minicopter
- Scrap Heli
- Deployable Name
- Deployable Distance
- Stash
- Tool Cabinet
- Smart Switch
- Lootable Crate
- Turrets
- Cameras
- NPC Name
- NPC Distance
- Bradley
- Patrol Helicopter
- Animal Name
- Animal Distance
- Loot Bags
- NPC Events
- Supply Drops